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A Young Businessman Arif Shaikh Lost 10kg, Achieved His Resolution Of The Year 2021
Running a business at such a young age can create a huge imbalance in lifestyle, which is exactly what happened to Arif Shaikh, a young...
Hitesh Rupani, A Young Buck Who Lost 30 Kg After A Bad Breakup And Fell In Love With Fitness
Hitesh Rupani, a 22-year-old boy from Vadodara, went through a difficult breakup as his girlfriend cheated on him because he was...
Naved Shaikh - Who Overcome His Lazy Lifestyle With Help Of WFH
Being lazy all the time and feeling exhausted is a situation that no one discusses but can be a major issue for many of us. When Naved,...
Pratham Rana: A Journey Of An 18-Year-Old From A Lean Body To Muscular Body
While most people look for quick ways to lose weight, no one talks about gaining weight. Gaining weight and building the body toned and...
Vohra Ayaz Shed 40kgs In 2 Months By Following A Routine Diet And Workouts With The Help of WFH
Vohra Ayaz Vohra Ayaz has now lost more than 40 kg in just 2 months and attributes his achievement to self-discipline. Vohra Ayaz now...
Niyati Jain lost 21kgs - Expresses her gratitude to the team of WFH for their support
While 21-year-old student Niyati Jain was always aware that she needed to get rid of all the extra kilos and get back in shape, it was...
Shirin achieved her long time goal to be healthy by losing 20kgs
Shirin began a strict weight-loss regimen in January. It has now simply become her way of life. Shirin's body weight was 86 kg when she...
Isha Lost 33kgs in 6 months thanks to WFH’s Nutrition and Dietitian
When you are battling excess kilos, in addition to the rude and unwanted opinion of the people around you, it is your own lethargy and...
Malika Panchal thanked WFH for helping her to lose 12kgs for her health
Despite what many luxury programmes would have you believe, losing weight isn't rocket science. We've all been in that stage of life...
Shefali Patel lost 11 kgs for her health
Losing weight is a difficult task. It's difficult, complicated, and mostly confusing. There are so many articles and so many waste...
Muscle Makeover – Nabil Shaikh gained 12 kgs in 3 months
Muscle Makeover – Nabil Shaikh gained 12 kg in 3 months at the age of 18 There are numerous inspirational stories of people who lost...
Tehsin Saiyed lost 10 kg by being stubborn
Losing weight is a highly personal decision. It's also a complicated, difficult, and frequently confusing venture. So, before you make...
Shweta Shah Bhavsar's Weight Loss Journey
She began weight training to work with her body, not against it Shweta Shah Bhavsar has accomplished the unthinkable, and it will...
Arshad Patel gained 10 kg and looks dashing on a flashy bike with a muscular body
As you know, we love to bring you inspiring stories about how people lost weight and lost XYZ inches. Today, we've brought you the story...
Shihab Pathan lost 28Kgs to own his magic
When you are overweight, it not only impacts your physical health but also heavily affects your mental wellbeing. When 29-year-old Shihab...
Shahid Rana - A chef who lost 10kgs thanks to his friend who suggested WFH
Weight gain can be a life-altering situation and brings a host of changes to anybody's body. When 34-year-old chef Shahid Rana realized...
Losing 42 KG is a big deal, yet Sohel Belim achieved the toughest
Losing 42 KG is a big deal, yet Sohel Belim achieved the toughest, read more to know how. Like many people, Sohel belim resolved to lose...
Azmal Khan lost 10 kg and discovered self-care by making a muscular body
It is entirely up to you to determine your fitness level and how you want to build your body. It's also a complicated, difficult, and...
Tahir Patel proves fat loss and muscle gain is not so difficult once you decide to do
Last February, Tahir weighed 78 kg and vowed to lose weight and gain muscle. In the whole journey of transformation, Tahir had lost more...
Vishal Giri lost 14 KGs who once couldn't even fit into an XXXL
Vishal Giri lost 14 KG and discovered self-care — after getting a wake-up call when he couldn't even fit into an XXXL clothing size...
Jay Raj a young businessman explores his muscular makeover
A photograph was the much-needed reality check 23-year-old Jay needed to get back in shape. He realized that he couldn't even perform...
A hombre Ahmed Pathan who lost 20 kg to overcome health issues
A hombre Ahmed Pathan who lost 20 kg to overcome health issues and fell in love with fitness Ahmed Pathan, like umpteen, decided to join...
Irfan Ansari - A vicenarian who lost 33 kg after beating his food cravings
Irfan, like many others, couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his weight on the weighing scale one day. He weighed 90 kg at the time and...
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