The 21st-century lifestyle has become so busy that many of us can’t even pay attention to our meals. People who come home late after a tiring working day sleep directly after having their dinner late too. Also, many of us like to have late-night snacks before sleeping.
We often reach for the usual snacking suspects like instant noodles, chips, popcorns, or nachos when we’re hungry at night because they’re easily available at that time. Many studies have proven that eating right before sleeping makes it hard for you to sleep.
Eating late at night is bad for your digestion, sleep, or weight. Late-night meals cab disrupts your sleep. Good sleep is as vital as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet for good health.
It may reduce your risk of developing certain chronic illnesses, keep your brain healthy, and boost your immune system. We are normally recommended to get between seven and nine hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, though many people struggle to get enough sleep.
Not getting enough sleep causes you many problems. You don’t feel fresh, can’t focus on working, easily get irritated and become short-tempered. There may be different reasons for your experiencing difficulties with sleeping, one of them is late-night eating.
What Are The Effects of Eating Late At Night?
When we eat late at night, the muscles that digest and metabolize our food have to keep working when they should be resting. This can delay your ability to fall asleep and can prevent you from getting the deep, restful stage of sleep you need to feel refreshed the next day.
Many people crave sweet foods like chocolate, pastries, ice cream, etc. late at night. Sugary foods and caffeine may satisfy your cravings but they are likely to prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. Any foods that are high in fat, for example, pizza, burger, or tacos cause the body to increase acid production, which can lead to heartburn that can disrupt an otherwise restful night of sleep.
If you still feel hungry late at night and need something to eat, you should eat foods that don’t cause sleeping problems or even better if you eat foods that help you to get a good sleep.
Foods That Helps You to Improve Your Sleep Quality
Some experts suggest eating foods at night that help you to sleep. Foods that contain melatonin regulates your internal clock and signals your body to prepare for sleep. Here is some food that you can or should eat before bed to promote good sleep.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea contains antioxidants that may promote sleepiness. It improves overall sleep quality.
Soy Products
Soybeans are a high source of L – Tryptophan. It helps you to regulate your sleep.
Some research shows that almonds may help you to improve your sleep quality as it is the source of melatonin and the sleep-enhancing mineral magnesium.
Bananas are full of things like vitamin B6, magnesium, and calcium that help you sleep.
It contains melatonin that helps to regulate your sleep and wake cycles.
Jasmine Rice
It is high in easy–digestible carbs that reduce the time that we take to fall asleep.
Kiwis improve sleep quality when eaten before bed as it is rich in serotonin and antioxidants.
What Foods Can Keep You Awake At Night?
Although you are certainly aware that white wine can cause heartburn, it is not the sole beverage to blame for your inability to sleep.
"Alcohol relaxes the esophageal sphincter, which is generally responsible for keeping stomach acid at bay," Hayim explains. "As it relaxes, the alcohol's acid might enter your throat, causing a burning sensation deep in your chest."
Fatty Food
Burgers loaded with toppings, ice cream sundaes, and fried chicken. These high-fat foods take longer to digest and frequently induce bloating and indigestion, which disrupts a good night's sleep.
Hot Peppers & Spicy Food
Consuming them late at night may cause heartburn to sensitive people. Their thermogenic qualities can raise the core temperature of the body." Because your core temperature naturally falls as you prepare to sleep, boosting it can lead you to feel more awake and have difficulty falling asleep.
High Sugar
Consuming high-sugar cereals will cause your blood sugar to surge and crash, disrupting your sleep. Select cereal with fewer than five grams of sugar per serving. From AM to PM, be sure you're not eating one of the 28 worst breakfast kinds of cereal.
Raw Onions
Kissing someone before bed isn't the only reason to give these up just before bed. "Onions can generate gas, which might impact stomach pressure. As a result, the sphincter is pushed to open, allowing your meal and acidity to enter your esophagus again. Raw onions have been shown in studies to create powerful and long-lasting sensations of reflux in persons who already have heartburn.
Best Time to Eat Dinner for Sleep
Dinner should be eaten three hours before bedtime to allow the stomach to digest properly and focus on preparing for sleep when bedtime arrives.
Modest amounts of complex carbs, fruits, vegetables, or a small bit of protein will help you go asleep faster by satiating hunger pains.
Sleeping immediately after eating your body gains weight when you take in more calories than you are burning off. This is true regardless of when you eat.
If you go to bed immediately after eating, your body will not have had a chance to burn off those calories. Eating a large lunch and then crashing on the couch might be just as bad.