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Is Eating Frozen Food Good or Bad for Health?

Frozen Food - Good or Bad for Health?

We’ve heard this so many times - “Eat FRESH FOOD, Fresh produce is the best, don’t eat frozen food, it’s not good for your health”. The list can actually go on and on. While it is true that fresh food is extremely satisfying and feels tastier at times, the hype created around frozen food and the myth that frozen food is not good for you is not justified.

The false notions created about frozen foods often become harmful because sometimes it is not possible to access fresh food and one has to eat frozen food. Hence, it is extremely important to talk about the controversy regarding frozen food and if frozen food is really as harmful as they say.

Is It Safe To Eat Frozen Food?

Freezing food does not make it unhealthy or harmful; it is entirely dependent on the nutritional value of the food that is frozen. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be as nutrient-dense as considered one of the fastest meals, while frozen items such as pizzas, sandwiches, and meals can be less nutrient-dense than frozen fruits and vegetables.

Your food will remain nutritious after it has been thawed if it was nutritious before it was frozen. Plain, frozen fruits, vegetables, meats, fowl, and fish are always a good choice. Whole grains can even be frozen. Although frozen foods are marketed to be healthy and nutritious, it is not advisable to eat frozen food every day.

The Healthiest Frozen Meals

Here are some healthy frozen meals anyone can eat.

  • Frozen Chicken

  • Frozen Veg Pizza

  • Plant based frozen meals

  • Frozen Waffles

  • Vegetable Korma

  • Beans & Grains

5 Harmful Effects of Frozen Food

1. Diabetes

  • This starch gives the meal flavor and texture. Starch, on the other hand, is a glucose polymer (a glucose chain). Before it is eaten, your body turns glucose into sugar. Excess sugar can raise your risk of diabetes and harm your body tissues. If it runs in your family, try to stay away from frozen foods.

2. Heart Diseases

  • Heart disease is another health risk associated with frozen or processed foods. Trans fats, which are included in packaged foods, raise your risk of heart disease and contribute to clogged arteries.

  • Trans fats raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while also lowering HDL (good) cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease. Preservatives containing sodium are extensively used. Frozen food contains additional salt, which raises cholesterol levels while also raising blood pressure.

3. Excessive calories

  • Frozen foods have a lot of fat in them. When compared to carbohydrates or protein, fat has double the quantity of calories as a result, it is generally heavy in calories. A 1-cup portion of frozen chicken pot pie, for example, may have roughly 600 calories, with more than half of those calories coming from fat. Frozen foods are touted as healthful and nutritious, yet they are actually damaging to your health.

4. Cancer

  • Consumption of too much frozen food may increase the risk of cancer. And you are not the only person who thinks “Is frozen food carcinogenic?” According to studies, eating frozen hot dogs, salamis, and sausages increases the risk of cancer by more than 65 per cent. Preservatives such as corn syrup, which is made mainly of glucose and included in cooked packed meals, have been exhibiting carcinogenic tendencies.

5. Destroying Your Muscles

  • Many of the most popular frozen foods are low-calorie meals, such as Lean Cuisines, which contain far fewer calories per meal than dietitians recommend. You harm your body when you don't obtain enough energy from your food. Because muscle is more metabolically 'expensive' to maintain, the body will begin to sacrifice it. So you lose weight, then go off the wagon and binge eat.

Eating Frozen Food without Cooking

You may believe that the best approach to defrost frozen products is to leave them out of the freezer for several hours or to microwave them, but this is wrong. You should not eat frozen food without cooking it from the time you buy it until you return home and unload your groceries at a convenient time. This amount of time is sufficient for bacteria to grow in the frozen food. Experts agree that the best method is to defrost it in the refrigerator and then cook it.

"The reason for this is that bacteria reproduce and develop quicker at room temperature. Microwaving it will dry it out and make it tasteless. Reheating food on the stove top or in a double boiler is the best method. By doing so, the meal reverts to a near-original texture while maintaining its nutritional value."

When Buying Frozen Food What Should You Avoid?

  • Many examples of beef products being freeze-burned have occurred as a result of non-compliance with freezing temperatures. When frozen meats, fish, seafood, and poultry are prepared without any additional additives, they provide the maximum nutritional value.

  • Avoid breaded chicken, fish sticks, corn dogs, and other battered or breaded frozen foods if you're seeking low-calorie options. Look for non-breaded frozen chicken breasts, shrimp, and fish fillets.

  • As a result, checking the color of the meat or frozen food before buying is extremely important. These foods should retain their natural color, and it is critical to inspect them before making a purchase."

Some shopping essential checklists:

The following is a list of shopping must-haves:-

1. Choose your purchases carefully. Always opt for well-known and big and well-known brands on the market.

2. Always check the expiration and production dates.

3. Avoid purchasing things that have been tampered with in any way.

4. Don't buy too much. Only buy what you can consume in a short amount of time.

5. The best tip, one you should try, is to utilize as many fresh goods as possible.

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