It is entirely up to you to determine your fitness level and how you want to build your body. It's also a complicated, difficult, and frequently baffling situation. So, before you start following any unapproved and not-so-healthy bodybuilding diets (as in what you eat, not an eating plan) or changing your lifestyle, there are a few things you should be aware of regarding the complexities of gaining a muscular body. And who better to tell this story than someone who has had his body transformed?
Azmal Khan has now lost more than 10 kg and attributes his achievement to self-discipline. Azmal believes that increasing strength training and drinking tons of protein shakes will not result in a muscular body. In this blog post, Azmal reveals the biggest secrets of his weight loss journey, as well as the simple changes he made to actually achieve his health goals. Along the way, I hope you'll discover some fit body motivation as well as some life lessons.
The reason that Motivates to live a healthier life
Being unhealthy and not taking care of my body was always a nagging thought in the back of my mind. But, due to my different life responsibilities and housework, I was never able to devote my full attention to it. Due to the demands of work, family, and never-ending late-night meetings. I totally ignore my body's overall health and physique.
Who doesn't want to look like Salman Khan and other fit celebrities? So developing a good physique as well as overall health was always on my to-do list. Though I began exercising on occasion but was unable to maintain it, I also did not pay much attention to my diet or overall health until I realised a change was required. Over time, I educated myself about nutrition and learned what and how much to eat to achieve the results I desired.
And while looking for those, I discovered WFH. I read about the WFH program's features as well as how many people have benefited from it. It was like hitting the jackpot because it had everything from personal trainers to dieticians and nutritionists all under one roof. The program's subscription fees were also very reasonable.
What is the most difficult part about being unhealthy?
The main thing that used to enrage me was that I wanted to look like the best version of myself, but my work schedule stopped me from going to the gym. As I grew older, my joints became weak as a result of my reduced movement, and I suffered from back and knee pain on a regular basis. Even my doctor advised me to begin some type of exercise routine in order to stay healthy. So I decided to begin my fitness journey with WFH from the comfort of my own home.
Starting Phase and procedure of transformation journey
Every fitness journey begins with a thorough understanding of how and what type of body you have. As a result, you'll be able to create a strategy for achieving the tragic goal. You must measure your BMI and TDEE to get to know your body. Everything sounded complicated and confusing at first.
However, the WFH team walked me through the entire process and helped me in calculating. The Body Mass Index (BMI) determines required body mass based on height, weight, and age.
And TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), to estimate how many calories I burn per day while taking into account my physical activity throughout the day. Based on those data they designed the diet plan and workout routine specific to my target goal. To lose weight and make a muscular body.
Diet followed
My meals were packed with nutritious and mineral-rich foods. When I told the WFH dietician and nutritionist about my peanut allergies, they planned every meal around my preferences and needs. WFH dieticians recommend eating seasonal fruits and vegetables, a half-plate of protein, and the remaining quarter-plate of whole grains. I was able to naturally lose more than 2kg in just a few weeks by incorporating more proteins and vegetables into my diet. Which makes sense: protein, nutrient-dense produce, and fibre-rich whole grains help in digestion and absorption of nourishment from food.
I ate three full soft-boiled eggs in the morning, along with some fruit juice and multigrain bread. I always ate lean meat rice or lean meat curry with rotis for lunch. Then on the early eve, I mostly ate sprouts, cruciferous vegetables, salad and of course a bowl of soup for dinner.
Macros and quantified diet
The calorie intake per day and food measuring are very specific for every daily regimen. WFH is best, as they send the ingredients measuring spoons as a free gift once you have registered. You just have to measure your food by the instructions and the number of spoons provided and do not have to worry about calculating or using Google food calories.
Workout Followed to achieve the goal
It was nearly impossible for me to walk into a gym and start working out. So I started a home workout from WFH, which I was already familiar with. I graduated from 30-minute workouts to two-hour walks, putting on my shoes five or six times per week.
Working out with WFH live video provides a wide variety of simple and enjoyable ways to exercise; all of the workouts are well explained, and the trainers assist and motivate you to complete your workout in a fun and efficient manner.
My workout consisted of 80% strength training and 20%cardio for flexibility and stamina. I had purchased a few weight dumbbells and used them to perform triceps and biceps exercises. WFH offers both options for working out with the equipment that is available to you as well as no-equipment workout routines. I tried both, and both workout routines were fun and interesting for me.
What difficulties were you facing during the transformation journey?
There were many times during the journey when I was unable to keep track or get distracted. I remember going to a friend's birthday party and wondering if I'd be able to stick to my diet. But, at the time, WFH 24*365 support helped me and planned the diet so that I could enjoy the event while not risking my progress.
How do you stay motivated?
"After the very first month when I didn’t see any significant change in my body, I remember feeling defeated, but the very supportive team of WFH coaches and trainers always reminded me that "this must start happening and continue making efforts to work with your plan. You don't have to be discouraged." Which helped me enormously and motivated me to move forward further.
What lifestyle changes did you make?
I used to be a night owl, but now I know that you need to give your body some rest and allow it to heal from the hard workouts you've done. So now I have a fixed night routine and make an effort to get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Lessons learnt from the transformation
Before starting this journey, I, like any other young man, believed that protein powder was the key to gaining muscle. But now I know that, while protein powder can help you speed up the process slightly, it is not the only thing.
The fit muscular body is achieved by maintaining your protein intake, eating nourishing foods that make you feel energised, getting some exercise every day, sleeping at least eight hours a night, and finding ways to reduce stress. This method allows you to achieve that ideal body that retains its shape even after you stop drinking the shakes.